'Minante' was a local-scale project, by Associação Rio Neiva, with the objective of experimenting and testing new ways of contemplating and enjoying the public space in the Minante area, on the Neiva river, namely along the existing trails and public paths found on both banks.
This elements was collected along the banks of the Neiva River and stamped onto paper, aiming to highlight their textures and organic formations.
Watermills and pathways
Stone constructions were represented by geometric graphic elements, contrasting with the natural graphic elements collected.
The river was graphically represented by stains that evoke the natural flow of the water.
The palette contrasts with the natural green tones. This allows the identity to be integrated into the environment.
The project
was based on a set of interventions co-created with, by and for the local community, valuing a diversity of perspectives that result in
different experiences, material or immaterial.